Canada based manufacture in hifi tube amplifiers

A Canada based manufacture in hifi tube amplifiers

2023 TRIODE LAB 2A3 RSR x PF Writers’ Choice AWARD

Click award to see the other best hifi gears from around the world!


“These are amplifiers that are a level of performance above any of the SET amplifiers I've owned in the past.”

2022 TRIODE LAB 2A3 RSR First Listen by Dr. Jeff Day (Posi+ive Feedback) June, 2021

2021 18th Positive Feedback Writers’ Choice Award

“The 45 EVO from Frank at Triode Labs is my favorite amplifier for my Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers, and has become my reference SET amplifier for them.

The 45 EVO is so good it's scary! Beautiful tonality, remarkable resolution, bass to die for, astonishing dynamics, superb musicality, unparalleled sound quality, and it drives my Westminsters with ease, which a lot of amps that are ten times more powerful can't do as easily. I love the 45 EVO.

The build quality, fit and finish, and components quality of the Triode Lab 45 EVO integrated amplifier are all first rate, and it has been totally reliable in use. I love the appearance of the 45 EVO, and seeing all those beautiful vacuum tubes glowing during a listening session is a visual treat, and gives me that warm glow of happiness.

I feel happy when listening to all kinds of music with the Triode Lab 45 EVO in my system. Happy. Very highly recommended to all those seeking musical happiness!”

Click below link to read the entire 18th 2021 Writers Choice Awards Coverage:

2021 TRIODE LAB 45 EVO REVIEW by Dr. Jeff Day (Posi+ive Feedback) June, 2021


More READs on the 45 EVO :

Canadian Rhapsody: Ode to Frankie & Live at the Senator!

The Long-Term Report: Twelve Years with the Tannoy Westminster Royal Special Edition Loudspeakers!

2020 TRIODE LAB 45 EVO vs 2A3 EVO PREVIEW @ Jeff’s Place (Posi+ive Feedback)


2020 TRIODE LAB 2A3 EVO Reviewed @ T.N.T Audio by Roger McCuaig

2019 TRIODE LAB x Arion Audio @ T.H.E SHOW , California

Show coverage by by Marc Phillips

2018 TRIODE LAB x Nordost Cables x Coherent Loudspeakers Private Session

It was a wondering and fun evening , we were using the Au Pre Original x 2A3S setup via the Coherent Loudspeakers, to blind-test and demonstrate the importance of a powercord. We tested 5 different power-cords at one of the session , playing with the same equipments and songs , and we hear improvements of each level of powercord. We were all amaze and witnessed how much a good powercord can improve your system!


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"At not too-high volume, the system's sound was rich, expressive, and heartstring-plucking."

"Whatever our preference in sound, there are audio components or systems that are not only better than others at plucking our heartstrings, but of doing so on such a level of intimacy it's as if the hardware were delivering the musical performance specially for us. I experienced such moments while listening to Coherent Audio's audio setup, which featured a Baetis Prodigy music server , a Triode Labs Au Pre preamp , a Triode Labs 2A3 SET ), and a pair of dual-concentric Coherent Audio Model 12GR speakers with a sensitivity rating of 96dB and an impedance of 8 ohms."


2016 6MOONS BLUE MOON AWARD-  Model: 2A3i

We are so happy and honoured to be awarded by 6moons, and their highly-experienced reviewer, Mr. Frederic Beudot. We understand a professional and thorough review such as this requires not only a great deal of patience, but also a wide range of skills and physical effort in trying different tubes/cables/placement/combinations and so on. Most importantly, this in-depth review demonstrates the reviewer's passion of Hi-Fi, for every master piece of our tube amplifiers can be open to the same level of refinement - the peak of HI END. Thus, the question became how much the end user can extract its full potential through his or her experience. Similar to being in the driver's seat of a Porsche 911, many can drive the vehicle, but few can maneuver it to make the most out of every corner like a true hero (stunts driver). Without a doubt, Mr. Beudot is considered the latter, based on his expertise in the audio system industry.

2016 TED Magazine Review (Autumn)

Triode Lab EL84TT x Finale Vivace Mini - Visit link more more reviews!

2016 National Audio Show (UK)

Triode Lab 2A3M FFX   x   Rethm Maarga , room presented by Woof Audio, Nottingham UK

2016 TAVES (Toronto, CANADA)

Triode Lab 45 Special Mono Blocks 2 watts driven by Triode Lab Au Pre Mini (Prototype) x Coherent Loudspeakers Model 15 with Beryllium Horn Tweeters - 99 db / 16 ohms. This year we partner with Frank Fazzalari of Coherent Loudspeakers. Source was provided by Baetis Audio via ANK DAC. Cablings by Nordost.

"I loved the music heard here (ROOM#7229). Liquid, spacious, and emotionally engaging. I could have camped out in this room all day, except for the call of duty."  Mr Rick Becker of

"Rated sensitivity is 100dB. The Model 15 Neo Be was being driven—successfully—by a Triode Lab SET amplifier with an output of 2Wpc." Mr Robert Deutsch of

"Coherent room was demonstrating his Coherent Model 15 NEO Be loudspeakers (C$14,000) with a very high sensitivity of 100dB and a frequency response of 25Hz to 22kHz. It has a 15-inch composite X5 cone woofer, 3" Beryllium horn loaded tweeters, Neodymium magnets, and Mundorf Supreme Silver/Oil capacitors. The forte of these loudspeakers was the way they imaged. These large loudspeakers sonically disappeared while creating a very deep, well defined sound stage." Mr Malcolm J Gomes of

"The $14'000 coaxial design has demoed well at prior shows and this time was no exception. The 2 quality watts proved sufficient to make enveloping music, attesting to the 99dB efficiency of the speakers" Mr Glen Wagenknecht of

2016 Salon Son & Image (SSI 2016), Hilton Bonaventure Montreal

"Speaking of Finale Audio, that company's Vivace Mini loudspeakers ($CDN3000/pair) sounded awesome—tactile, dynamically nuanced, and crazily involving—in a room sponsored by Montreal's recently relocated Coup de Foudre. The Vivace Mini, which was being driven by a 6Wpc hybrid push-pull/single-ended EL84 integrated amplifier from Triode Lab, has a sensitivity of 92dB and a nominal impedance of 16 ohms, and uses a 3" full-range driver—a descriptive to which I would normally add quotation marks, had I not heard them for myself." Mr. Art Dudley

2016 Triode Lab 2A3M-II Reviewed by WALL of SOUND

" Personally, I love the 2A3 sound because of what it does in the crucial mid-range. Voices sound so lifelike when singing, while acoustic instruments like guitar, piano, saxophone, trumpet, drums, cello, violin, and so many others have an amazing resonance across the field of sound. While no slouch in bass, the 2A3 does not offer the often (in my opinion) slightly forward and emphasized bass that some prefer from more beefy power tubes used in many push-pull configurations. I like my bass well defined and articulate without being boomy, and the 2A3 is aces at this kind of bass." Jon Eben of WallofSound.Ca

2015 TAVES (Toronto AV Electronic Show)

Salon Son & Image 2015 - Montreal, Canada

Salon Son & Image 2015 - Montreal, Canada

Photo credit to Canada Hifi Magazine, see here for the whole coverage : 

Triode Lab Ltd 2A3SET-PSDM Power Amplifier                                                                                              Jan 2015

"For those who can’t stand the waiting, I’ll let you in on the conclusion: the Triode Lab 2A3PSE is the finest amp I’ve ever had the pleasure of using in my home. It makes around eight, maybe nine, of the most glorious watts I’ve heard, or dreamed of hearing. It has no obvious weakness." by Noam Bronstein

Triode Lab 2A3 Classic


Review by Rick Becker of

"We put the CD into forward, listened for a brief moment, looked at each other and simultaneously broke out into laughter. This is a seriously good amplifier in spite of its humble appearance. The top end is rolled off. The presentation is dark, being centered on the lower midrange with a full, sumptuous bass. Attack is good, decay is long, midrange focus is very good and the holographic music grabs your gut and pulls you right into the collective soul of the performers."

"These could be the 3.5 most important watts on the planet."



"Not only is the 2A3-S the "little engine that could", Triode Lab is the little company that can." Rick Becker


Ho Chi Minh AV Show in Vietnam, 2014 Sept 6-8


NEW~ 2A3S, Taken at SSI 2013, More at  : 1.  2.

Triode Lab Ltd, TM. All Right Reserved. 2025. Toronto, Canada, Companies of Finale Electric.