TRIODE-AMERICANO Mono-Block Power Amps
New minimalist series … to celebrate our 20th commemoration
So why is this new line called Americano? Because this line is designed with North American tubes, transformers, and more importantly with the vintage characteristic American sound in mind. Additionally, like many vintage hi-fi products from the U.S. (e.g., McIntosh, Pioneer, Fisher, Harman Kardon, etc.), we will be using hammer-tone paint for a durable and long-lasting finish that gives a classic old-school appearance (e.g, a classic and unique silver-grey tone).
And why are we using the 6SN7? Because it’s probably the most popular and widely used preamp tube in audio history and because of its addictive sound quality. It debuted just before WWII by RCA and Sylvania for radar equipment, but eventually found its way into audio, video, and even computer processing applications. The 6SN7 is still produced today by tube manufactures from all over the world ensuring a steady manufacturing supply.
The 45/2A3 tubes used in these amps are (e.g., RCA and Westinghouse) are even older - from the 1920s.
45-AMERICANO Mono Blocks
Class A 1.5W+1.5W
(Conservatively rated, usually measured higher power closer to 2W, before distortion happens, and no, it don’t distort / clip super early like other 45/2A3 on the market!)
6SN7/CV181 as front end
45 Triode Output/Power Tube Pair
Configurations : Class A Auto-Bias
Triode Lab x Hammond 5K HiFi Output Transformer (20Hz-20Khz). Proprietary and OEM to our specs specific for the 45 and 2A3 Triode. CSA/SA Compliance 1900V Hi-Pot Tested. Hammond Canada is one of the oldest (80+ years consecutively running) and biggest audio transformer manufacturers in the world.
8 Ohms and 16 Ohms
Pink Lingu RCA input connectors, Connex 5-way binding posts, Mundorf and Wima coupling caps
5U4/5T4 (Only) rectifier tube
Speakers Recommendation : 99 db + (2A3/300B simply have too much power and does not have the natural flow)
Chassis Size - 12” Wide x 9” Deep (+ Length of Binding Posts)
MSRP $5,999 / PAIR + Upgrades
2A3-AMERICANO Mono Blocks
Class A 3.5W+3.5W (Conservatively rated, it’s actually measured max at 4.5W @ 8 Ohms, with a pair of well used EH 2A3 Gold)
6SN7/CV181 as front end
2A3 Triode Output/Power Tube Pair
Configurations : Class A Auto-Bias
Triode Lab x Hammond 3.5K HiFi Output Transformer (20Hz-20Khz). Proprietary and OEM to our specs specific for the 45 and 2A3 Triode. CSA/SA Compliance 1900V Hi-Pot Tested. Hammond Canada is one of the oldest (80+ years consecutively running) and biggest audio transformer manufacturers in the world.
8 Ohms and 16 Ohms
Pink Lingu RCA input connectors, Connex 5-way binding posts, Mundorf and Wima coupling caps
5U4/5T4 (Only) rectifier tube
Speakers Recommended : From simple/crossover-less full range speakers ~90 db (eg Fostex) up to 98 db multi-way speakers with crossovers.
Input Sensitivity : 885mv@220K ohm
Chassis Size - 12” Wide x 9” Deep (+ Length of Binding Posts)
MSRP $5,999 / PAIR + Upgrades
Actual lab measurement : 4.5W Max @ 8 Ohms. Input Sensitivity : 885mv@220K ohm. Tested with Tungsol 6SN7/EH 2A3 Gold/NOS 5U4G, on our prototype sample. Why is this important? Because most SET amps on the market fails badly on the bench (their published numbers is mere a dream or is a calculation on paper only, after cost reduction , circuit deficiency or mismatch, low quality transformers - final production often diminished in half in all areas) - we’ve seen and measured many other 2A3 amps on the market in our service side of business last few decades, which it’s almost a norm ranges from 1.5W - 3W only with early distortion and, or noisy operation. Which produce a bad name / false impression on SET amp to the rest of the HIFI world!
The Mundorf (Germany) Audiophiler ZN Coupling Caps is the official voiced choice for the Americano Mono Blocks
Case Study : One of our favourite small driver - the Fostex FE83/FE87 is only 87-88 db 8 Ohms or the 92-94 db 108EZ Sigma / but only the 2A3 were able to max it’s potential from highs to lows, loudness / involvement / swing or the dynamic range - the musical sincerity and the being there feeling, also it’s incredible fast / immediate transient speed and ultra fine pin-pointing imagery. The fun factor and bass/impact were so high, none of those mega thousand watts / big bucks solid state amps were able to sounded better, not even close in fact and sounded muddy and lifeless! And many so called expert DIYer complains they were never able to get the highs and lows published of these fine speakers - because they used the wrong amp, or tube amp with not wide enough bandwidth at the beginning - alot DIY tube circuits flowing on web are ancients / not very refine / noisy / unreliable / poor performance - from a time with no highs (tweeter) or lows (woofer), and has very narrow bandwidth, which most are meant for simply playback or learning process only - light up and play some music, that can’t really be called “high fidelity” which mean confused. So it wasn’t watts it needs in situation like this despite the low DB rating. When you read the dB number of a speaker - it’s really half of the story only. Simply do yourself a flavor - ask the speaker manufacture if the design have good impedance for matching low powered tube amps. If they don’t respond or they only used solid state amps for the design - then you know it’s time to walk away. Or simply try drive the speakers with our 2A3 amp - when no one can tell you the answer.
Design Note :
For those who wants to know more about.
This modernized 6SN7 driver design is a classic American sound too, RC coupling with both side of the tube working (on the 6SN7), which is different to the 12AX7 mono design we have, a SRPP / direct couple design for its input stage - what goes in will be what goes out - very unforgiving if your front end (upstream of the power amps) is not good enough or wrongly matched. When systems / gears unfortunately aren’t at the same level of refinement and matchless , then these audiophile will not able to to unleash the full potential of our 12AX7-Mono Block designs. All the distortion, noise, phase shift, weakest-link, hum of your upstream will be shown / revealed, and all those deficiency will be amplified as well even ears might not detect them.
Now, with the new Americano design, it’s more old school and traditional - more importantly it’s voiced to sound like the triode sound in peoples mind. It’s more forgiving / musical, more tube-bliss / romantic decay, and more colours / sweetness in comparison. Which works beautifully with many high efficient speakers applications, especially in cases when the 12AX7 is too direct / too detailed / overly-realistic / too modern and perfect - is that bad? no, it depends your system needs. There are all kinds of sound presentation, and all have their own fans and place where each will shine best. So 12AX7 can be superior to the 6SN7, and vice versa. The 6H30 “Super-Triode” design is more in the middle between the 6SN7 and the 12AX7, for its sound, or best of both world. Because 6SN7 is one of the older design and its not the most quiet in terms of working parameters and measurements. 12AX7/6H30 is much newer and quieter preamp tube. But that could also be why many experienced audiophiles like the 6SN7 - not quiet, not perfect, but more air / holographic / natural flow… the list continues alot longer for those who just like it - but again, it depends on ears, and systems, and brand of the 6SN7/CV181 itself. And of course some swears 12AX7 or 6H30 are the superior.
All three mono-block designs measured the same brilliant. It’s more of a different sounding tone and flavour - depending your speakers / front end / sources / musical taste / personal choice … etc. Further more, since the new Americano adapting RC coupling, with both side of the 6SN7 working (over 100X gain in total), it’s gain is even higher than the 12AX7 version (4 db overall more). Because the 12AX7 version, only half of the tube is used for gain - around 50-60X, with the other half working as cathode follower with no gain. On paper, the 6SN7 will not just having more gain / volume, it also have better inductance and meat. Again, they are all good, just different approach in different category of sound and uses. In car racing analogy - if you use a GT/NASCAR/DTM car for Alpine or Scandinavian type rally, you will never able to catch up those small rally bred hot hatches despite the much higher horsepower, top end speed and far superior aerodynamics. Or when you send a rally bred car to a F1 track - there is no chance because it’s setup and engineering isn’t for a high speed track.
As for 45 or 2A3 - they are BOTH good. Its matter of power/speakers matching.
The people with 99db+ speakers will tell you 45 is best - and they aren’t lieing. Because it can’t drive anything lower efficient =) and vice versa with 2A3 - because 45 were never able to max out the volume on their speakers. But these power figures sometimes can be misleading, because many people I know with the 45 were driving speakers below 99 db efficiency. Here is an example, a friend - Dr. Florian Penn saids : “I hope all is great with you! Your amp was highly complimented by my buyer of the Von Schweikert speakers. He drove from Chicago to hear them and pick them up.He couldn't believe the sound he was hearing from the 2 watt amp driving the large conventional speakers!!” - and meanwhile he was awaiting delivery for his mega buck 107 db horn systems. And I know many people drive low efficient speakers like the B&W 800 Series Diamond speakers with the 2A3 “Also, no issues with the power; it pushes the 802D4s to ear splitting levels in my room with the volume just halfway turned. I'm about 4 meters from the speakers” - still swear the best sound they ever heard, whom usually thought they have climbed on the top of the chain already, but not yet high enough like standing on the Mount Everest =)
So have we just stopped here with the 6SN7 design?
Of course not!
Other than modernizing / revolutionize the circuit to today’s hifi standards (No, our amps don’t sound like an old amp from 50+ years ago. which really only an audio playback device), we spent alot more afford on treating and designing the front amplifier stage design to make it quieter - you don’t normal see that many resistors and caps at the front amp / driver stage , but for perfection we needs them to be there. We also see if we can minimize more noise from other areas too such as the output stage too, so we developed our own high quality Canadian made 2.5V filament transformer to feed the 45/2A3 tube, separated from the main power transformer, and on it’s dedicated/separated mini power supply circuit. This extra work, higher cost, and more labour for us is worth to be invested, to make it even better / quieter! Again, thank you for Mr Gray (Design Engineer @ Hammonds Canada) for the help!
So after all, this is not so minimalist at all (with 4 pcs of transformers on one block/channel) - we might have to find a better name for this series…
And yes, FFX version can be made, for those who wants to spend more! and FFX will have colour choices as well.
Standard Americano Mono-Block Parts :
Finale Audio Canada “Pink-Lingu” Rose-Gold Plated RCA
Furutech Japan Gold AC Inlets
WIMA Germany Film Coupling Caps (Input Stage)
Mundorf Germany Audiophiler ZN Coupling Film Caps (45/2A3) - Upgradable to Mundorf Silver Oil (Most realistic sounding) or Mundorf EVO Supreme Silver GOLD (Recommended for forward/sharper sounding speakers)
VELLMAN USA Binding Posts - Upgradable to CARDAS USA COPPER Binding Posts : (We like the bare copper version for best sound / most natural and organic, both the silver-rhodium / gold over copper sounded slight more hifi but with the better looks, but these are some of the best amp-speaker binding posts ever made in HIFI history)
Triode Lab x Hammonds Canada Proprietary Output Transformers 8/16 Ohms
Hammonds Canada Choke Transformers
Hammonds Canada Power and/or 45/2A3 2.5V’s Filament Transformers
Signature Package : + $2,000
HASHIMOTO Japan 20W Classic Output Transformers
CARDAS USA Speaker Binding Posts 0-4-8-16 Ohms
Mundorf Germany Silver in Oil Coupling Caps - One Piece 0.47 uf (Large)
Furutech Japan Gold AC Inlets
QQQ Japan Industrial Grade Rectifier Tube Socket
FFX Power Mod - Remapped circuit to unleash the Hashimoto Output Transformer = Power Increase / Lower Insert Loss / More Weight & Bass / Better Curves and Performance.
45 or 2A3 SET Mono Blocks
News Update on FFX SPEC (2024): Hashimoto just agreed to help us to OEM a small proprietary choke that is higher Henry required on SET circuits, and proprietary power transformer for us for this new petite sized application. So this design can literally ordered to be full suit of Hashimoto (Sansui) Transformers, for those who wants even better looks, sound, performance, prestige, a slice of audio / hifi heritage.
Includes : HASHIMOTO “Classic” Output Transformers + Hashimoto x Triode Lab Proprietary 45/2A3 Power Transformer + Hashimoto x Triode Lab Proprietary SM (Single-Mono) Choke Transformer + FFX Power Supply Design and FFX Grounding Scheme for superior S/N Ratio / Quietest Operation. + FFX Power Mod - Remapped circuit to unleash the Hashimoto Output Transformer = Power Increase / Lower Insert Loss / More Weight & Bass / Better Curves and Performance.
QUICK SPECS : 2A3 Measured 4.88W @ 8 Ohms before distortion. Input Sensitivity : Approximately 1V. Frequency response AND quietness is also measured better. 45 Measured at 2W @ 8 Ohms.
MSRP : $9,500 USD / Pair.