Canada based manufacture in hifi tube amplifiers

A Canada based manufacture in hifi tube amplifiers

  AuPre EVO

Debut 2021

Lv 2


Model : AuPre EVO

The replacement for all our AuPre series preamp.

DACT (Denmark) Selector Switch Shown : Do you know the Canadian Force uses DACT on their electronics too? Its high quality, and durable.

2022+ Elma (Made in Swiss) who OEM for DACT Selectors will be used, as DACT stopped their version.

Story : Stepping into 2020, it wasn’t a good start of a decade. But not here at Triode Lab / Finale. We even want to come up with a new finale of our Au Pre series.To come up a one-new preamp that replace all our historical preamp models is not an easy task. And how do we improve the already the best of tube pre-amplifier designs for triode / low powered amplifiers? Here is the answer and explanations. To better understand why do you need our Au Pre , is because most preamps out there are aiming for driving bigger powered and solid state amps , they sure have high gain and power character for driving monster amps, they also have the high noise and high level of phase shifts too which never sounded too realistic , refine, and organic (natural). For the rest of the tube preamps - they are simply not refine and quiet enough, why? Because a same quality preamp is 4-5X harder to engineer than a same quality power amp counterpart (and for a real outstanding hifi tube preamp - it’s more like 5-10X harder), and for manufacturing cost, most manufactures can only invest into their cosmetic and functions (such as XLR and Remote, which adds even more material change / signal contamination and NOISE), over absolute quality people buy us for. So we must continue to offer a proper high quality tube preamp for our own triode / lower powered amplifiers , and for those purist audiophile of golden ears.



First, I start think of two of my favourite preamp tubes. A one tube design will not have the gain / drive / overall performance of two tubes, like the original AU PRE, it has two. And more than 2 tubes is not prefered too, then it will be like other tube preamps out there mentioned above, although we can do it better and quieter easily, but that’s not what we are trying to achieve / or to get that kind of sound.

And that will be the : Western Electric 396a / 2C51 , which offer their legendary sound and sweetness, it’s also a relatively new tube in comparison and has a good performance , quiet enough, and has tons of tube replacement, from 5670, to the higher grade 2C51 …etc. Do a search and you will find lots of them to roll. But there is nothing that beats the real WE version of course (Make sure buy one in original Western Electric box!). The next tube I love as much is the CV181 (aka the 6SN7), for its good tube bloom, airy, eurphonic, you name it. It’s one of the most popular preamp tubes on earth has a reason - the sound. Technical and measurement wise - its a very old tube and aren’t as quiet as the newer 9 pin preamp tubes. But it has that distinct hate-love, attractive sound everyone can’t resist. As long we don’t push the circuit design too much, before any noise and distortion kicks in. We should able to get easily 8-10X of gain, and very tube heavenly kind of sound. But here, we want less to sound more pleasant and realistic - 6X/15.5 dB.



As for the construction, the main difference of this AP-EVO, compared to the PRELUDE FFX :

Is that the AP-EVO is pure analog.

The PRELUDE is a hybrid design, with a pair of transistors driving the power amps, which able to auto-match the impedance of what it’s driving. There is no doubt with its ability in performance , refinement and quietness of driving all types of power amps. And the AP-EVO will drive tube amps very brilliantly , more analog , more authentic , and more the magic of tubes. A CV181 (6SN7) will be in position, to replace the hybrid section of the PRELUDE. Making this the most euphonic and powerful Triode Lab preamp ever made. And it will use the same 12BH7 / ECC99 for regulation/stabilizing , and the 5AR4 for rectifier. A choke transformer will be continue to be there for the most quiet operation. And the main power transformer will continue to use the HASHIMOTO (Sansui) - its not just quieter and running cooler, they are engineered to last forever.


The same phono stage will be standard, its the same good Triode Lab Phono Stage on every Triode Lab and Finale preamp. Anything more than MM and Hi OPT MMs, just use the SUT from the turntable/cart manufactures, and that will give you the best result of your vinyl system. For the AP EVO - the exact gain for the phono stage is 80X/38db, conservatively rated.

Some customers buy our preamp because of this , the very important phono stage foundation one will ever need. It will work well with all MM and high output MC cartridge.

Some customers buy our preamp because of this , the very important phono stage foundation one will ever need. It will work well with all MM and high output MC cartridge.

Our reference tubes setup - The Western Electric 396a/2C51 , the Psvane / Shuguang CV181 , the Telefunken GZ34 / 5AR4 , and the GE-Mullard 12BH7.

Our reference tubes setup - The Western Electric 396a/2C51 , the Psvane / Shuguang CV181 , the Telefunken GZ34 / 5AR4 , and the GE-Mullard 12BH7.


Due to the shrinking market of real high end.

We could only keep one-and the best sounding tube preamp, for our line of power amps, as well other SET amps on the market.

The AU-PRE EVO is a seriously considered model, that is as good sounding to ANY big preamps that was in our radar of making. Such as those making with output transformers , big bling chrome chassis, big tubes / caps on the top and external power supply …etc - something that looks very high end, and most people will not able to purchase. And the millionaires can always order one of these from us anytime , we have the power and the know-how to pull one of these preamps on the market anytime. We have been making , design , and selling OEM copies to other tube amp manufactures for many decades.


But we want the best possible sounding tube preamp for most audiophiler that could afford.

The AU-PRE EVO will be good enough for any of our poweramps - rather the most entry, or the RSRs, and its good for life.

We have been compared often to $30,000 - $120,000 USD Preamps!

Starting $6,999 USD

Debut 2021, order now!

Debut 2021, order now!


  • Gain - 6X / 15.5 dB

  • 2V/RMS Nominal Output

  • THD+N Less than 0.1% (We actually measured 0.044% only, a even lower figure, but we like to be conservative/humble with our numbers)

  • Line amp S/N ratio : Better than 85dB below rated output

  • Line input impedance : 90K ohm

  • Phono amp gain : 80X/38db @47K Input impedance

  • Output Impedance : Less than 10K Ohms ( Different brand or different age of tubes will change the impedance : New tubes will have lower impedance and vice versa older tubes will have higher)

  • Frequency response : Hi level /Line amp section :+/- 0.5dB at 20 to 20KHz

    Power consumption…115-120v ,50-60Hz , 40w Approm

  • 396A / 2C51 or equivalent X 1

  • 6SN7 / CV181 x 1

  • 12BH7 x 1 (tube regulation)

  • 5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tube x 1 (rectifier stage) - NOS 5Y3/5W4/5V4 can also be used for sound tunings.

  • HASHIMOTO Japan Power Transformer

  • Hammonds Canada Choke Transformer

  • Volume Pot by Alps Japan

  • Selector Switch by ELNA Swiss

  • Triode Lab Aluminum Black Anodized Knobs

  • CMC USA Gold Plated Audiophile RCA Connectors

  • Furutech Japan AC Inlet IEC Socket

  • 1877 Phono Canada Gold Plated Ground post

Fuse Info: 5x20 mm Type

DC Fuse - 250ma Fast Blow

AC Inlet Fuse - 1A Max for US Slo Blo / 0.5A Max for 220-240V Slow Blow

Triode Lab Ltd, TM. All Right Reserved. 2025. Toronto, Canada, Companies of Finale Electric.