MK2 Reference Integrated Amplifier (2020+)

The new 2A3 Integrated amplifier: The 2A3 EVO
After ten years of revolution on the original 2A3-i , we have settled with the finest HIFI transformers - HASHIMOTO of Japan. And after ten years of on going R&D on the same design, we can safely call this the end game for the integrated amp design, and what we will be selling for the next 10 or 20 years. As there is no substitute that meet or exceed our expectation other than the ones we are using, the rest of the parts too, are hand picked and proven to be good and reliable (most passive parts we used, are brand names that we have been using for the last few decades). While we only have one trim from now on based with HASHIMOTO tube transformers (former Sansui), we can sharpen / optimal everything to its finest state. Thru rearranging and channeling of its route (in and outs) and grouping all the high tension / high voltage parts together for the best separation and minimize the crosstalk. Each transformer, each part, each bit, are well thought and considered before we put on to each designated location. For example, the power transformer is right behind the 2A3s for a reason - it provide the shortest voltage supply path to the 2A3s : if it is longer, the weak 2.5V that feeds them might drop even lower, resulting lowered output power. And look at the output transformers - the binding posts is put right behind it again, aiming for the shortest path for superior bass response. Every little inch under the chassis are all well used and executed. They all have a reason to be there. And we are very happy with this brand new evolved integrated circuit for perfection - it was already the best, now is even better / quieter.
Class A Autobias 4 Watts (Conservative rated) for 2A3 EVO
Output Transformers : HASHIMOTO Japan (Sansui)
Choke Transformer : HASHIMOTO Japan (Sansui)
Power Transformer : HASHIMOTO Japan (Sansui)
Connectors : CMC USA Gold RCA or FINALE Canada Pink-Lingu Rose Gold Plated RCAs
Binding Posts : CMC USA (0-4-8 Ohms)
Coupling Caps : Mundorf Silver in Oil Coupling Caps
Volume Control : Alps Japan Blue Vol Pot
Selector Switch : Elma Swiss Selector
Rectifier Tube Socket : QQQ Japan
AC Inlet : Furutech Japan Gold IEC
Dimension: 13.5" Wide x 18" Deep
Input sensitivity : 325mv/@70K-ohm
Tubes : 12AX7 Pair (or 12AU7 for those who wants lower gain and more natural sound) / 6SN7 (CV181 recommended) Pair / 2A3 Pair / Mullard GZ32 Rectifier Tube is what we voiced this amp, any other NOS 5V4/GZ32 are recommended for use as rectifier tube, ask us for more options. 5T4 and 274B is our favourite too!
New chassis became top plate over chassis design - and the top plate can be painted into any of our 9 official colours free of charge. There are also 6,500 Other Colours here for extra : $500 CAD / Car Paints $800 (Longer lead time required , as often the top clear-coat is not harden , and there will always be imperfect with car paint as it is done by hand). Or for best result (to some people), the top plate can be fabricated with pure copper for a extra $2,500 CAD.
MSRP $8,999 USD + Any options. (Dealers might sell for more due to expensive global shipping and high quality safe shipping vault is expensive)
Every amp is made to order (It is complete hand made here in house at Triode Lab, from drilling every hole to mount every part) and like any thing that is the best - BE PATIENT!
*UPDATE : Starting from 2023, all our amps will be using black anodized knobs.
This 2A3 EVO is finished in one of our 9 Factory Colours - the British Racing Green Metallic. All photos are using natural light-source (no interior lighting or camera flash is used) and taken at a different time of the day. This is to show how much shades of green this brilliant colour changes thru out the day and time.
“Hi Frank,
I just learned that you are the chief designer and owner of Triode Labs. I feel it is such an honour to have the chief designer answering my questions directly!
I just want to tell you that your 2A3 is just AWESOME! I did some A/B testing with my Almarro. The Almarro is very skewed to vocal (or that frequency range). On the Almarro, the background music seems muted, or the vocal basically overpowers others instruments. In your 2A3, all the other instruments got revealed. The clarity is exceptional. There is also excellent separation of all the instruments, and the music just feel more like lively. The saxophone sounds more airy, I think it is because it is showing the details of those very faint air flowing sound. The alto saxophone also sound warmer. For cello, besides “tong, tong”, it also revealed the vibration sound of the string before and after. I can even hear the breathing of the cellist! The Spatial Audio X5 also has a higher resolution than the Zu. It has a 5 in. air motion transformer vs a 1 in. tweeter in Zu. The resolution of X5 together with your 2A3 together is a giant leap over my old system (Almarro + Zu). It is like a 4K TV vs 720p, I guess, depending on the record and volume, it can reveal much more. I just want to tell you how much I like this amplifier. You and your team really did an excellent job. The only problem now to me, maybe, no more upgrade; you put an end game on this hobby, 😂.
Sent from my iPhone”
“I have a Melody AN 211 MK3 amplifier. They have plenty of bass, almost muddy. But it’s far less delicate than your 2A3s.
Now I am using the SET 2A3 EVO to drive my 106+ dB/W horn speaker. It got more than enough power for that horn.
Dr Van”
Dear Frank,
Here I am. Back after a crazy end of summer. On the other hand I really needed to write to you because the music I am hearing, the quality of the music making, the exquisite refinement of your marvelous component has me completely awe struck. I needed to congratulate you on a magnificent and insightful piece of artistic technology.
Now… as you know I don’t have the ideal speakers for it and as you wisely anticipated it is not a good match for my current Harbeth speakers. But I got a couple of very old Goodman’s Axiom 201 12” drivers stuck in a board of MDF (open baffle) and the combination immediately filled my listening room with unexpected and brilliant magic. Of course the driver application (although it is an extremely sensitive and very wide full range driver) is limited and I am looking at ways and options of serving your marvelous amp with proper speakers. Any suggestions are welcomed.
I am deeply happy to have contact with such an extraordinarily talented audio designer. You have my deepest respect and admiration. Please forgive me for jumping into that deal… And I really hope we can still do business together sometime soon.
All the best, Frank.
Your Mexican friend,
Dear Frank,
Here I am back with some updates of my mind blowing 2A3 EVO experience.
I finally found a great deal on a pair of mint Devore Fidelity O/96 speakers. When I switched them for the Harbeths SHL5+ using my Leben CS600X integrated amp the upgrade was apparent, clear in many ways, but not dramatic. But… when I plugged the Triode Lab 2A3 EVO Reference through the Auditorium 23 speaker cables… Wow Frank! The Devores just came to life in an uncanny way. The body, texture, Tim tal accuracy and sheer emotional projection that materialized in my listening room was simply magical. It is a match made in heaven. And I am glad to say it because Devore is a pretty mainstream, highly merchandised brand and Triode Labs is still the best kept secret in the audiophile world. But this unexpected encounter between the famous guy and the underground talent is really groundbreaking. My deepest compliments and admiration, Frank.
I have a couple of questions:
I’ve found the best input tubes for me are 5751’s. Currently enjoying some NOS Tung Sols, loved Sylvanias 3m grey plates and waiting for some Raytheon windmill getters to arrive.
On the rectifier end, as I told you, I much prefer the Mullard GZ 32 (CV593) to the Sophia Electric 274B (it just makes sound much more palpable). What other rectifiers can the EVO work with GZ34s, U52, WE 422A? I enjoy voicing my experience through tube rolling. I learn a lot a bout the subtleties in music and sound and now that this amp/speaker match has proven so incredibly revealing, I am eager to deepen that knowledge that only Tube rolling can provide.
Mauricio Garcia Lozano
Film / Stage Director”
Upgrades the following :
To 20W Sized HASHIMOTO Japan’s Potted HIFI Output Transformers (Re-voiced using 7K primary - even more refinement , with slight less power output - even better on 100 db+ speakers)
To Large Sized HASHIMOTO Japan’s Choke Transformer
To FURUTECH-Japan’s 803 Type (0-4-8 Ohms ) or AN-UK’s ONGAKU or Furutech’s Carbon Fibre (0-8 Ohms due to space) , Optional CMC USA, for sound preference/use.
To MUNDORF Germany Supreme EVO SILVER and GOLD Coupling Caps For Input Coupling Caps
To FURUTECH Japan’s Rhodium AC INLET (Optional Gold, for sound preference)
To Matching Finale RED Power-Cord with Furutech Carbon Fibre IEC Plug
$10,500.00 USD (2-5 Months Lead Time)

“Hi Frank,
Hope you are having a good holiday!
I have been using the 2A3 EVO for a year and I like the sound a lot. I settled with a pair of Audio Note AN - E SEC Signature speakers. This combination is sublime.
Yeah, these speakers are pricey (~73K USD) but this is a truly world class system. I was a little worried if they could handle these big AN speakers in the beginning. But it turns out to be a very successful combo. It got not just the finest delicacy but also jaw-dropping dynamics. It managed to sound vivid as well as effortless at the same time. I had some quite experienced audiophile friends stop by my house and listened to them. They like this system a lot.
I like these 2A3 tubes (ACME) as well. They don’t sound as smooth as the original RCA 2A3s but they have the bite that the original 2A3 don’t have. Plus they sound punchier overall.
Dr Xiaoran Fan
Reference Integrated Amplifier (2009-2019) MK1
"Going up in price, the Triode Labs 2A3i sounded superb, with resolution and richness fully returned to the upper mid-range compared to the solid-state amplifiers. It gave back texture to violins and allowed me to hear strings and sympathetic body resonances very clearly."
Frederic Beudot @ 6moons.com
Tube use / Dimension/ Weight and Power:
12AX7 Pair / 6SN7 Pair / 2A3 Pair / 5U4 or 5V4 ONLY Rectifier for 2A3i Canadian, and FFX is voiced with Mullard GZ34/32
Dimension: 12.5" Wide x 22" Deep
Weight: 30 lbs - 45 lbs, Plus Shipping Boxes and Materials (Depending transformer used)
Power : 3.5W - 5W+ : Depending on the model and output transformers - Some have better inductance, some have more power, some for more definition/clarity or better treble/bass extensions. It all depends on the design of each transformer; and each brand and model of output transformers are different - that's why they have different models for just one tube usually. As they have different timing, bandwidth, measures, phase shift, distortion, presentations, and insert loss - so on each model, we have to fine tune and maximize use of them, rather it is the output transformer, the choke, or the power transformer, they all offer different optimal working parameters, and we are the expert to extract their potential at its best to the last bit. On the other hand, the less ideal/precise designs will tell you its 3.5W because they see the transformers as just part of the calculation (rather they will meet their original design goals on paper or not at the end). This is what makes us better than the best out there.