Model : Au Pre (Original)
12AU7/ECC82 Tube Reference Phono Preamplifier, Debut 2009 - 2020
Pre-amp Tubes : 12AU7 / ECC82 (The quietness of the tubes has a direct audible/measurable outcomes)
Class A Direct Coupling, 6-7X Gain, No Feedbacks!
Tube Rectified (EZ81/6CA4)
Regulated & Stabilized by a NOS 6GV8/ECL85
Standard high end Mundorf Silver in Oil Caps (Standard starting 2016)
1877Phono Gold Plated Grounding Post
CMC Gold Plated RCA Connectors / Finale Canada “Pink-Lingu” RCA (2018+)
Separated Tube Power Supply Circuitry with high quality Hammonds 300 Series (World voltages) power transformer (Starting 2017)
High quality MM / Hi Output MC Phono Stage (We take vinyl very serious and when we say quiet, it is quiet! and people buy our preamp because of this phono stage!)
Topology: Simple Best (Look simple, but result of our 30 years+ experience)
Physical: Compact Space Saving Design (16" X 8")
Standard Finish : BRITISH RACING GREEN METALLIC (2019+) - Same as the Hi-Game Edition below - see pix.
Custom finishes available
Literature: (PDF)
Manuals: (PDF)
This is our triode reference pre-amplifier, base on a classic pure tube line stage design we have been using for many decades, the one we use to voice all our power amps and speakers. It offers the most refined, organic and unrestrained sound - top to bottom with proper weight in the most accurate and fewest sound changes to the original recordings. It is TAILOR-MADE for triode and low-powered amplifiers. Stop searching for another tube pre-amplifiers! because perhaps they were never meant for this (Here is a simple question: does your pre-amp maker make triode amps or higher power amps?). The AU PRE will be the KEY to unleash the full signature of triode tubes!
All pre-2009 Au-Pre are completely hand-wire constructions. And built in varies of chassis. It was meant and designed along with our infamous original 2A3S, as well other low powered / SET amplifiers. Its meant to pursuit the most realistic kind of high quality playback, true to the source.
Starting: $4,800 CAD - (Last 2019 Price)
* Customer's feedback *
"The line stage arrived today in terrific shape. I put in a set of 4 Mullards to start it off on the mellow side, and even before the tubes warmed up, I knew I had a winning combination with the 2A3 SET - the most natural and most musical imaging I've ever heard in my system. I've gone through Joule-Electra, First Sound, VAC, Quad, Audio Research, Wavelength 300b, Wavac MD-811 integrated, and Thor 30 watt monos, and none of them produced emotionally-engaging music the way your amp and linestage do - jazz, classical, you name it. The Audio Note speakers turn out to be a great match, as well - since I'm not a bass freak - and they seem to be an easy load for the amp.
Model: AU PRE Grande
(2010 - 2015)
Grande versions
The larger external size is perfect to match the look on larger amps, and the bigger interior size is also perfect for bigger sized exotic parts and caps. The heavier duty chassis made out of high quality aluminum make it further against resonance and vibrations
3 Version/Flavor available (Standard Au Pre Grande, Grande du Triode, Au Pre FFX)
As shown above : new Porsche Pure Blue / Porsche Lime Green Metallic Finishes. Gallery above, finished in Porsche Burgandy Metallic
MSRP: $5,999 USD + Plus Options
Model : Au Pre Lite
2012 - 2017
Another version of the Au Pre, maintains the compact chassis styling of the the Au Pre Original, but offers these upgrades:
JAMES power transformer
Simplified one-piece circuit board, offering higher efficiency, higher signal-to-noise ratio, and lower distortion
Quieter phono stage with greater bloom and lower noise floor
6X Gain, like the original AU PRE - its with the blood of triodeism, and like other Au Pre’s - it is designed and engineered for Triode / low powered tube amplifiers.
Gain/Output power between Au Pre Original (6-8X) and Au Pre Mini (4-5X)
Sample below finished in Porsche Lime-Green Metallic
MSRP $3800 USD

Model : Au Pre mini
AP Mini Tube Hybrid Phono Preamplifier, debut 2016 - 2021
Based on 12AX7 variants, such as 5751, 12AT7, ECC83, 12AZ7, which makes it best for tube-rolling.
5X of Gain (We prefer to have fewer gain than higher distortion), 2V Output at Nominal, 0.1% THD-X
Perfect for low-powered, triode tube amplifiers and high-efficiency speaker system that does not need a lot of gain and drive, In return of the most organic/analog/quality music play back - less gain/less parts/less tubes; LESS phase shift and signal changes too!
Tube regulated, by the powerful ECC99 (12BH7 can be used in place too)
Tube rectified, by a small peanut type 6Z4 rectifier tube, which is a 7 pin miniature tube that is affordable and reliable
The power supply uses AC coupling (and is quiet enough to score a better than 90 db S/N Ratio.)
The Au Pre Mini is something smaller and neat to the current Au Pre, and Au Pre Grande. It features a hybrid design so it could drive all kinds of power amps from solid state to tubes, and with different input impedance. Thanks to the hybrid output stage of the pre-amplifier, now it will automatch the impedance of the mating amplifier. We have had very successful outcomes, driving big power solid state power amps.
The reason we would like to use the highly capable 12AX7 for the pre-amp stage, is because its really hard to find a more talented and quiet pre-amp tube, and its availability of NEW and NOS tubes has tons!. A high end RIAA/70X phono stage is included like the one on the AU PREs, it is purposely on to the left side of the PCB - well-spaced away (and furthest away from the power transformer/choke/power supplies) from the main pre-amp line stage. Its a modern sounding pre-amp circuitry is totally different to our sister's company's Finale Prelude (4X Gain) which have a more classic tune characteristic, the power supply is also redesigned.
The Au Pre Mini will come standard with all upgraded parts, including the Mundorf EVO Silver Gold Oil coupling caps, CMC USA Gold RCAs, 1877 Phono Stage Ground Post, Furutech Gold IEC, Alps Japan Blue Vol Pot, Lorlin UK Selector, Hammond Canada Universal Power Transformer and Choke transformer, Power Transformer Shield...etc.
MSRP : $3,800 USD
Model : Au Pre Hi-Game Edition
Au Pre Hi-Game Edition Phono Preamplifier, debut 2016 - 2021

Recently, we have witnesses the come back of ultra high efficiency speakers , and here is our answer. The Au Pre Hi-Game Edition, is specific for high efficiency-systems, those 97 db+ and true 16 ohms efficient speakers. More attention is paid to the control of the easier flow/wider band character of the transducers, and enhanced the bass response. The total gain is down to 3X - 4X you need this preamp when the AuPre Mini (5X) is still too much, or when you have too much power/loudness even as low as 3.5W with the 2A3.
New 2017 finish - British Racing Green Metallic / Copper plated tube cage (Option)
Brand new design over the original Au PRE , the HI-Game Edition in contrast will provide more control, better weight and better performance. This will be the best kind of "ordered beauty" of sound (required for high sensitive/efficiency speakers system) compared the "natural beauty" kind of sound produced by the Au Pre Original. It is two different kind of beau, and is important to know what your system require. Today's new generation of high efficiency speakers are extremely sensitive , revealing and fast. These features make it even more important that the preamp be very low noise to reduce unwanted background noise and distortion. It must also be agile, to be able to match the speaker’s speed and provide the extra control that these sensitive instruments require.
Our first ever use of A.D.F.S Technology (Automatic Differential Feedbacks System) on a pre-amplifier - By applying positive and negative feedbacks together at the same time to cancel out each others, to maintain the best control and stability (absolute performance / optimized consistence and S/N ratio), while having minimum phase and sound shift for the most realistic sound playbacks. This is perhaps the most advanced design of its kind on the entire market!
Line-stage uses 12AU7 / ECC82 OR 12AT7 / ECC81 , Regulated & Stabilized by a 12BH7,Rectified by a 6CA4/EZ81
Enhanced and Quieter Power Supply designed for high efficient applications: Changes including using high-speed diode for faster recovery and a more efficient power supply, the rectify stage also features our latest hybrid design using both tubes and solid state to have a stable/consistent working stability and outcomes (even when the 6CA4 rectifier tube is getting older/weak), the regulate tube now adapt the more commonly used 12BH7 - its more popular and easier source, better grounding circuitry design through more ideal channeling, locating and using our "Choke Coils PCB Pattern" at various important spots of the power supply - they don't just help slow down the delivery, but also quiet down from welcome less RF Interference, we also added two more fuse spots for wrong/bad tubes insert to prevent from harm from external. There are more enhancements we did to further quiet down on these high-efficiency applications to he main line-stage circuit.
MSRP $5,800 USD*
* Custom colors available, as well car paints for extra